Monday, June 30, 2014

Water Slide Decals: Getting Better All the Time

Hello Friends!

What's new with everyone? I'm so glad Monday is here - I'm feeling particularly productive today. It's probably because I cleaned my studio this morning. It looked like a tornado had been through here over the weekend.

I found some cool jars - basically mason jars without any branding - at the dollar store and knew they'd make perfect soap dispensers. Not exactly original, but I dislike the plastic bottle of hand soap sitting on my counter as much as the next girl does.

I found the dispenser tops at Michael's about a week ago. I bought two (less than $5 each), one for each plastic dispenser at home. They came with a mason jar lid insert so you don't have to drill a hole through the insert yourself.

The jars came with gold-colored inserts and bands; the inserts for the dispensers were silver so I decided a little white spray paint was in order to take care of the unmatched pieces. After they were painted, I put them on the jars and I had 'mason' jar soap dispensers - done and done! Except...I decided I'd like the dispensers to be labeled. So I got busy, designed quick and simple labels and printed them on water slide decal paper. I applied the decals to the jars this morning and now...the soap dispensers are done.

I've been semi-obsessed with monograms lately, too. I was mixing different patterns and colors and thought, as long as I was making decals for the Dollar Store jars, I'd practice with color at the same time. I was really pleasantly surprised - I love how the decal worked on this plate. I don't love the design, or even the colors of the design, but I love how easy it was to apply and how well it works if you don't fuss with the decal too much!
Like with most things that I want to be good at, I find that the more I practice at crafting anything, the better I get, the more comfortable I get, the quicker I get, and the more satisfied I become. If you're interested in pursuing something creative, take your time, be easy on yourself, and don't quit. It's worth it.

And the files (you thought I forgot)! I only have files for Silhouette peeps but the cake plate bunting, the Freedom banner and the cupcake picks are here:

Stay tuned

~ M ~

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